Personhood IOWA believes all human life is created equal and sacred, without exception. Therefore every person deserves to be protected by law, from conception until natural death.
We exist to foster a culture of life across Iowa in three ways:.
- To promote public policy that defines a “person” as a “person” from the moment of conception until natural death.
- By first activating local churches and Believers across the state to live out their pro-life convictions in truthful love and to educate and impact the community with that truth.
- By advancing a comprehensive network of life honoring services to practically empower Iowans to choose life and care for the living.
We will defend every human life and, through education, legislation, and service, make the killing of the preborn person unthinkable
Contact Us
- personhoodiowa@outlook.com
- 8805 Chambery Blvd. #300-218 Johnston, IA 50131
- 515.868.7562
Read About Persoonhood In Our Brochure